Wednesday 16 November 2016

Jadual China Open hari ini

Team negara kita menaruhkan harapan kepada Iskandar , Peng Soon/ Liu Ying & Khe Wei/ Vivian untuk mara ke peringkat suku akhir hari ini.

Masing masing mempunyai laluan yang sukar dan diharap semua pemain negara berjsya melepasi halangan ini.

Good luck kepada mereka....

Sunday 13 November 2016

Tiga kejuaraan milik Malaysia

Tahniah diucapkan kepada pemenang pemenang di Malaysia Satellite 2016 yang berakhir sebentar tadi .

Paling menarik pasangan mx double terbaru kita , shevon / Goh Soon Huat berjaya menjadi juara walaupun baru saja digandingkan . Nampaknya pencapaian keseluruhan acara mx double tahun ini sunguh memberangsangkan.

Tahniah kepada kesemua jurulatih & ISN staff atas kesabaran dan ketabahan anda ...

Sunday 6 November 2016

Semarang IC - 2 Juara buat Malaysia

Tahniah kepada semua pemenang. Walaupun ini hanyalaa tournament peringkat rendah... kejayaan pemain muda negara diharap dapat memberi impak yang besar kepada mereka untuk belajar dan train dengan lebih gigih lagi ...


Saturday 5 November 2016

Congrats Malaysia - kalahkan Thailand 3-1

Malaysia world junior team akan bertemu China pada perlawanan akhir hari ini.

Harap adik adik kita dapat buat kejutan lagi ... ayohhh.. kita tumbangkan tembok cina ....

Friday 4 November 2016

Pentingnya pemanasan badan

Importance of Warming Up before Sport - Sports Injury Prevention

What is a warm-up?

A warm-up is a session which takes place prior to doing physical activity; usually a warm-up will consist of light cardiovascular exercises combined with stretches.

What happens in a warm-up?

Most warm-up sessions will include a combination of cardiovascular exercises, stretching and strength drills. The cardiovascular exercises are designed to increase circulation, increase body temperature and bring the heart rate up, while stretching warms the muscles and prepare them for the movements they will be required to carry out during the activity. Explosive strength exercises, which may include sprint drills or jumps, gently increase the level of intensity and prepare the body for sudden movements in the game which will follow; these exercises should only be done once the muscles are warm; this will prevent injuries.

Effects of the warm-up

The warm-up should gently prepare the body for exercises by gradually increasing the heart rate and circulation; this will loosen the joints and increase blood flow to the muscles. Stretching the muscles prepares them for physical activity and prevents injuries. The warm-up is also a good opportunity for an individual to prepare themselves mentally for the game ahead and for a team to work together prior to the start of the game. Warm-ups can also be used to practice skills and team drills.

How long should a warm up last?

Most warm up sessions last between 20 minutes and half an hour; this given the body plenty of time to gradually get ready for physical activity and gives the player time to prepare themselves mentally.

Preventing injury

The most important reason for doing a warm up is to prevent injury during exercise; keeping the muscles warm will prevent acute injuries such as hamstring strains and will stave off overuse injuries by allowing the body to prepare steadily and safely. In more static sports, such as cricket, it is a good idea to stretch throughout the game as this will keep the muscles warm and allow them to function effectively; substitutes should also continue to run and stretch while they are waiting to join a game; this is commonly seen in football matches where the substitutes jog, jump and stretch along the sidelines.

World junior team event - Malaysia tewaskan Indonesia

Congrats to our badminton junior team . Sudah lama team kita tidak masuk semifinal ... beberapa tahun ni hanya selalu ditempat 5 & 6 saja.

Yang menarik team Malaysia kali ini adalah gabungan pemain SSBJ dan club digabungkan dalam satu pasukan . Keterbukaan BAM ini harus dipuji dan diteruskan.

Good luck next game . 💪💪