Saturday 20 August 2016

Malaysia negaraku....

Tamat edisi olympic kali ni. Kita masih lagi menunggu emas pertama negara. Satu pencapaian terbaik untuk kem badminton yang telah berjaya membawa pulang 3 pingat Perak. Kita selalu hanya mengharapkan DLCW saja disetiap kejohanan besar tetapi tidak pada kali ini.. 2 acara yang tidak diberikan harapan berjaya membuat kejutan.

Pada aku , edisi olympic akan datang di Tokyo .. mampu tak kita mengulangi kejayaan ini. Ramai pemain utama negara lain mengumumkan pesaraan selepas kejohanan ini. Lagi 4 tahun aku ramalkan kebanyakan muka muka baru akan muncul. China , Indonesia , Malaysia akan atau munkin ada pemain baru diketengahkan. Soalannya mana satu pemain muda kita yang akan menyerlah ... munkin Goh Jin Wei.....

Ayoh atlit badminton remaja yang lain .. tugas berat sekarang ditangan anda...

Pada seluruh atlit atau kontinjen Malaysia kali ini... ucapan setinggi tahniah atas kejayaaan luar biasa ini... terima kasih ... to DLCW .. terima kasih kerana sentiasa memberikan sesuatu kepada Malaysia...

Bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia....

Friday 19 August 2016

Terima Kasih

Rasanya kebanyakan kita x cukup tido hari ni. Semua tengok game penentuan Gold semalam. Cukup mendebarkan .

Pada awalnya aku rasa memang pasangan kita boleh menang dengan pernainan yang menarik. Cukup teratur. Game kedua ada sedikit hilang keyakinan.

Game ketiga laaa yang banyak membuatkan semua orang jadi x tentu arah. Mata saling berkejaran. Both pair cuba merapatkan jurang mata . Sama kuat . Pada suatu ketika kita sudah mendahului dan hanya satu mata saja lagi untuk dapat Emas. Sayang bukan hak kita.

Lepas game aku semua orang ada rasa kecewa tetapi bukan sebab mereka kalah tetapi sebab sikit lagi nak dapat emas tu. Performance ok pada aku. Ada juga beberapa pengkritik sukan alam maya kata mental x kuat sebab tu kalah.. jawapan aku ... cuba kau main tengok... jangan kata satu Malaysia tengok... cuma bagi orang kawasan perumahan kau jer tengok , aku rasa kau dah gabra...

Pada keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia , anda semua memang terbaik . Tetap sokong walaupun tewas . Satu Malaysia..

Dato Lee Chong Wei tetap pilihan saya

# lebih kurang 1 jam lagi , pertarungan yang dinanti nantikan seluruh dunia akan berlangsung. Ramai yang mengatakan ini munkin pertemuan terakhir diantara mereka . Cukup mendebarkan.

Aku bukanlaa sangat arif dalam permainan single, tapi jangkaan aku DLCW kali ini mampu menewaskan Lin Dan. Alasan aku berdasarkan persembahan LD dalam edisi olympics kali ini yang aku rasa tidak seperti lazimnya. Agak berhempas pulas untuk menang dengan pemain India pada suku akhir.

Aku ada tanya Partner in crime aku ( rashid ) pasal game LD kenapa camtu... dia kata LD banyak main defence jer... takda attack.. strategi dia ker...????... semua orang tau LD seorang pemain yang penuh dengan muslihat... itu yg aku takut ....

Apapun aku tetap harap DLCW menang malam ni....

Monday 15 August 2016

Superb play


Hari yang sangat baik untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. Aku rasa semua orang berkumpul dekat depan TV dari semalam. Ini laaaa sukan , satu acara yang boleh menyatukan semua orang x kira bangsa . Kena bawak semua orang berpolitik tu duduk sekali tengok sukan .. barulaaa bersatu...

Dari malam semalam bermula dengan acara WD aku dah berkampung kat depan TV untuk melihat pemain kesayangan aku Vivian/Kwei untuk bertarung dengan pasangan no 1 dunia. Aku xnak cerita pasal taktikal gameplay yang mereka main samaada betul atau tidak . Apa aku nak salute mereka sebab try berhabis habisan dan jika aku duduk sebagai coach dibelakang pun .. aku akan berasa bangga dengan performance ini. Anda semua boleh lihat mereka mencuba semaksimum yang boleh untuk compete dengan pihak lawan.

Sambil menunggu game MD , aku sibok lihat live score game yang lain . Banyak keputusan yang tak dijangka. Pair England boleh masuk semi 😀😀... inilaaa olimpic... kita lihat banyak pemain pilihan tumbang ... tekanan untuk mereka terlalu tinggi ... aku pun terfikir , harap perkara sama berlaku kat Yong Dae / Sung . Macam aku tulis tempoh hari , diaorang punya performance memang below dari biasa.

Game MD dah bermula, tekaan aku betul dimana pasangan Korea ini bermain seperti biasa sahaja tetapi pasangan kita juga agak berhati hati. Pada game kedua dan ketiga hanyalaaa satu permainan mental sahaja . Pasangan kita terus menekan dan keep the presure high supaya pasangan Korea melakukan mistake . Dalam masa yang sama permainan Keong/Goh semakin menjadi terutama Keong yang berjaya membuat pukulan pukulan yang x dijangka. Akhirnya kita berjaya .... berpeluh satu badan dibuatnya...

Pagi bangun terus bukak tv , sambil bersiap nak gi training . Maklumlaaa duduk KL kena keluar awal gi kerja. Jam dah kul 6.30am .. first game x habis lagi tapi tengah lead masa tu , ada terfikir nak gi kerja lambat , tapi memang x munkin laa kan . Aku pun text kat FB aku mintak tolong diaorang update . Ternyata ada ramai juga orang yang update aku .. thanks guys.. aku memang dalam kereta x senang duduk lihat orang update score. Akhirnya kita berjaya masuk ke final . Sebagai seorang yang berada dalam bidang ini.. terasa nak menangis happy dalam kereta ini... tapi malu laaaa kan ... control jantan beb..😀.. fuh lega ... kem badminton dah confirm ada pingat ... gold are coming ....

Sampai kat tempat kerja , aku whatapp Peng Soon to say congrats... and apa yang dia reply kat aku sunguh mengharukan aku... tapi sorry aku xleh kongsi disini...

Hari yang cukup baik hari ini....

Sunday 14 August 2016

CHAN Peng Soon /GOH Liu Ying vs Robert MATEUSIAK /Nadiezda ZIEBA - RIO OLYMPICS

RIO olympic Q-Final draw


Aku rasa pair ni laaaa yg kita xnak jumpa. Rekod pertemuan pun tak memihak kepada pasangan kita. Inilaaa terjadi jika undian dibuat berdasarkan cabutan undi .

Tetapi aku ada keyakinan pasangan utama negara kita ni mampu membuat kejutan berdasarkan persembahan LYD / YYS yang pada aku agak menurun dalam edisi olympics kali ini. Nampak tekanan terutama LYD yg tidak bermain seperti biasa.

Aku rasa pasangan kita harus prepair untuk bermain dalam rally rally yg panjang tetapi dalam pace yang tinggi. Kesilapan mudah harus dikurangkan terutama TWK . Ambil peluang mengambil mata sebanyak munkin dalam permainan servis & receiving. Kuatan mental sudah pasti harus kental dan mantap .


GOH V Shem /TAN Wee Kiong vs FU Haifeng /ZHANG Nan - RIO OLYMPICS VIDEO

Saturday 13 August 2016

Malaysia pilihan saya

Yakin pasangan kita mampu mara ke separuh akhir ...


Aku rasa pasangan negara kita mempunyai draw yang paling baik dalam semua pair yang ada .

Kesemua pasangan yang sangat jarang mereka tewaskan berada di draw bahagian atas . Ditambah pula , berjumpa dengan pasangan dari Poland di peringkat suku akhir ... idaman semua pasangan yang ada . Walaupun bukannya mudah tetapi adalah lebih baik dari berjumpa dengan pasangan negara lain.

Kalau mereka berjaya atasi padangan Poland ni , posibility akan berjumpa samaada pasangan utama Korea atau pasangan kedua China yang pada pandangan aku , sentiasa menunjukkan permainan tidak konsisten sepanjang tahun ini. Aku yakin kejutan boleh kita lakukan disini.

Secara keseluruhan , dengan berkedudukan kedua dalam peringkat kumpulan dan mendapat undian sebagus ini... pasangan negara kita mempunyai peluang yang teramat baik untuk membawa pulang sebarang  pingat.

Good luck Peng Soon & Liu Ying .

Ku Bon-Chan - extend Korean archery streak

Ku, who won the team gold with the Republic of Korea on 6 August, survived two nail-biting tiebreaks in the quarter-finals and semi-finals before fending off Valladont to win 7-3 at the Sambodromo.
I’m so happy,” said Ku, who along with his coach bowed to the crowd after his victory. “It's the most respectful way to give thanks to the spectators who cheered for me.”

Ku admitted that his coach had played a key part in the win, particularly his motivational talk before the match. “He said, ‘You're not focusing on your arrows, you're thinking about the other guy's arrows and the score, just focus on what you do’.”
The Republic of Korea became the third NOC after Belgium (8) in 1920 and USA (6) in 1904 to collect at least four gold medals in archery in a single edition of the Olympic Games. Ku’s victory also saw him become the second archer, after Justin Huish (USA) in 1996, to win both the men's team and men's individual golds at a single Games.

 “I was pushing for gold but I had a bad shot, so I'm bringing home the bronze,” said Ellison. “I wasn't in the match [semi-final]. I knew if I wanted to come home with a medal that I needed to get in gear and get into this match. I shot 30 to get ahead and he opened the door for me. Thankfully, I was able to get through it.”

Friday 12 August 2016

Sama kuat - Keong/Goh vs Fu/Zhang

#walaupun kedua dua pair sudah layak ke suku akhir ... pertemuan kedua pasangan ini pasti menarik .

Peluang kepada pasangan utama negara kita menepis segala tohmahan kepada mereka sebelum ini....

Good luck ....

Thursday 11 August 2016

RIO badminton - semua lepasi halangan pertama

Tahniah team Badminton kita dimana semua melepasi halangan pertama peringkat kumpulan.

Untuk aku , cara main sudah x penting lepas kita menang ... just fokus and plan taktikal untuk nexg game .

Untuk peminat badminton macam aku ni ... dah tentu akan tidur lewat start from sekarang .... masa tulis ni pun ada rasa nak lena dah .... yang pasti kerja tetap jalan ....

Jom tidur lewat lagi malam ni....

Vivian & woon khe wei winning point - Rio Olympics

Vivian & khe Wei winning point

Vivian & khe Wei winning point

Carl Lewis Wins Long Jump Gold - Seoul 1988 Olympics ( HISTORY )

At the 1988 Seoul Games, Lewis defended his 100m title after Ben Johnson was disqualified. He also defended his long jump title and claimed silver in the 200m. Four years later in Barcelona, he won a third gold medal in the long jump, defeating world record holder Mike Powell by just three centimetres. He also anchored the world record-setting US relay team.

Korakaki adds gold to her Rio medal tally

Olympic debutant Anna Korakaki took gold in the women's 25 metre pistol event on 9 August in Rio, just two days after winning Greece’s first ever shooting medal in the 10 metre air pistol.

The 20-year-old Korakaki prevailed over Germany’s Monika Karsch, 13 years her senior, who mounted a late but ultimately unsuccessful rally to reel her young rival in, coming back from 6-0 down to 6-6, before Korakaki won the seventh five-shot round to secure an 8-6 victory overall.
Heidi Diethelm Gerber of Switzerland won the bronze medal, beating world No. 1 and world champion Zhang Jingjing of China to the final spot on the podium. Remarkably, the 47-year-old Swiss shooter only took up the sport at 33. After a disappointing showing at London 2012, she decided to give up her job as a bookkeeper to focus on the next Olympic cycle, and her dedication paid dividends.
After winning what was an incredibly tough and nerve-wracking final match, Korakaki jumped up and down and embraced her father, who had been so tense during the final rounds that he could not even bear to watch his daughter perform.
“We have been through many, many difficulties," reflected Korakaki, who burst into tears of joy on the podium. “I was about to quit shooting three years ago when I was 17.”

And she admitted that the fact she already had a medal in the bag meant she was able to approach her gold medal showdown without so many nerves. “I can say that winning the bronze [in the 10 metre air pistol] two days ago helped me because my mentality has changed," she explained. “It meant I was calmer and I only wanted to enjoy it and I did. But it was still a difficult match today.”
Now, says Korakaki, she is already looking forward to using her performance in Rio as the springboard for future success: “Goals never stop, so I am dreaming of more medals in my career.”
Defending Olympic champion Kim Jang-mi of the Republic of Korea narrowly missed out on qualification for the semi-final, and ended up in ninth place.

Republic of Korea’s Jin completes unique shooting hat-trick

The winner of Olympic gold in the event at Beijing 2008 and London 2012, Jin became the first shooter, male or female, to win the same shooting event at three consecutive Games and to land four individual shooting gold medals, the South Korean having also won 10m air pistol gold in the British capital four years ago.
Taking silver behind him was Vietnam’s Hoang Xuan Vinh, who won 10m air pistol gold on the opening day of Rio 2016, with Kim Song Guk of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea third.

Ranked no1 in the world, the 36-year-old Jin went in the final as the favourite, only to score a disappointing 6.6 with his ninth shot. That relegated him to seventh place, 5.2 points behind the then leader Kim, competing in his first ever international final. Showing why he is the world’s best, Jin fought his way back into contention, climbing up the scoreboard and overhauling his two fellow medallists to post an Olympic record total of 193.7 points.
Reflecting on his unique achievement, Jin, who also won 50m silver at Athens 2004 and 10m air pistol silver four years later, said: “I have won three gold medals at the Olympics, but this one is the happiest and most valuable because this was the most challenging competition and I was under the greatest pressure.

“I told myself: ‘Don’t give up. Don’t give up’,” he said of his faltering start. “I wanted to give up, I was doing so badly, but I said to myself this is my last Olympics. I cannot give up. I did badly in the 10m (air pistol) so I wanted to do better today. I felt nervous. I’m so glad I did well.”
After winning his country’s third shooting medal, bronze medallist Kim had this to say: “I didn’t do as well as expected. I wanted to do better, but in the end I got bronze. If I train harder, I think I will do better.”

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Vivian / Khe Wei vs Lauren Smith / Heather

# kalau dilihat dari pertemuan sebelum ini... ternyata kelebihan berpihak kepada pasangan kita.. tidak pernah tewas tetapi 3 pertemuan terakhir berlangsung dalam 3 game . Ternyata pasangan dari Great Britain ini semakin merbahaya .
Kekuatan pasangan ini adalah dari segi formation tactical yang baik. Persefahaman dalam gelanggang nampak solid.
Pasangan kita lebih baik dari segi speed ,  power & skill ability.
Untuk mendapat kelebihan , pasangan kita harus mengamalkan game menyerang dan mengerakkan pihak lawan dalam pace yang tinggi .
Aku harap pair kita tenang dan bermain dalam game plan yang diberikan oleh jurilatih mereka ... good luck girls....  

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Tahniah Malaysia - Perak pertama

Tahniah Pandalela & Jun Hoong . Pingst pertama untuk negara kita dan maybe pencetus untuk medal medal seterusnya.

Tertarik dengan cerita pagi ni , apabila mereka diinterview oleh radio Era , pasangan ini nampak cool jer , x over excited dengan pingat diaorang coz kata mereka , lepas ni ada event lagi , kena keep focus ... ... terbaik punya decision...

Bagi team badminton pulak , presure less now , pingat dah dapat ... tumpuan kurang laaaa sikit kat badminton... peluang untuk player kita buat yang terbaik tampa sebarang tekanan...

Happy day for rakyat Malaysia ...

Lilly King backs up tough talk with gold

After catching the country's attention with her criticism of rival swimmer, Russian Yulia Efimova Sunday, Lilly King backed up her strong words in the 100-meter breaststroke final. The Indiana native set an Olympic record in claiming the gold medal, beating out Efimova with relative ease. The Russian, whose presence in the Olympics has been controversial amid doping allegations, took silver, while American Katie Meile earned bronze.

Rio Olympics 2016: Yuri van Gelder sent home

Dutch gymnast Yuri van Gelder has been sent home from the Olympics after drinking alcohol on a night out in Rio.
Having qualified for the finals of the rings event on Saturday, Van Gelder spent the night celebrating and returned in the early hours of Sunday.
The Dutch team said the 33-year-old violated rules concerning alcohol consumption and leaving the team base.
In 2009, Van Gelder was suspended after taking cocaine three days before the national championships.
"It's terrible for Yuri, but this kind of behaviour is unacceptable," said Dutch team chef de mission Maurits Hendriks in a statement

Manchester City sign Everton defender for £47.5m

Manchester City have signed John Stones from Everton for £47.5m, making him the world's second most expensive defender.
The 22-year-old England international has signed a six-year deal and is City boss Pep Guardiola's eighth signing.
Stones was earlier named in City's official Champions League squad, published on the Uefa website before the transfer was confirmed.
"It's an ambitious club with a great manager so I can't wait to get stuck in," said the former Barnsley player.
"I know it will be tough getting a place in this team, but I'm determined to become the best player I can be and help us to success."
In a short statement, Everton confirmed they had received a "record fee" for Stones, who made 95 appearances in three seasons, scoring once.

Jangan ganggu Azizulhasni, Fatehah

# agree dengan coach mereka ... bagilaaaa diaorang relax sikit....

Monday 8 August 2016


Setuju bock ...

Jose Mourinho defends Manchester United’s £89m Paul Pogba fee

Jose Mourinho has defended the reported £89m transfer fee Manchester United are set to pay for Paul Pogba but did admit football has become "crazy".
The Old Trafford club are on the brink of bringing the French midfielder back to Manchester for a world record fee after Juventus confirmed that they had allowed him to undertake a medical ahead of the proposed move.

 However, speaking after his side beat Leicester 2-1 to win the Community Shield at Wembley, Mourinho said the club should be proud they could attract players like Pogba and compared it to Gareth Bale's record-breaking move to Real Madrid from Tottenham in 2013.

"I don't think Real Madrid were upset when they broke the record with Gareth Bale. I don't think it is a reason to be sad," he said. "It is a reason to be proud with the dimension of the club that can do that and can attract players of this dimension.
"If you ask me if I think it is a lot of money, I think football is crazy, the market has become crazy. 

"What you think this season is crazy you realise three years later is not crazy anymore. I think there are players who cost £10m who are super expensive because they are players £400,000 or £500,000 or £1m so what is expensive and not expensive in football? I don't know anymore.
"I just know he is a big player that is going, for sure, to be important for a big club like Man United."

 Mourinho also believes that Zlatan Ibrahimovic will become even more prolific as the team adapts to a new style of play after the striker scored an 83rd-minute header to win the Wembley tie on Sunday after Jamie Vardy had cancelled out Jesse Lingard's opener.

Inter Milan: Frank de Boer to replace Roberto Mancini as manager

Inter Milan have parted company with manager Roberto Mancini, and are set to appoint former Ajax boss Frank de Boer.
Mancini's position had been in doubt because of his reported misgivings over Inter's transfer business.
Dutchman De Boer, 46, is believed to have agreed a three-year contract to succeed the 51-year-old Italian.
Inter, who were bought by Chinese retail giant Suning in June, were beaten 6-1 by Tottenham in a pre-season match on Friday.
They announced Mancini's departure "by mutual agreement" on Monday.
The former Manchester City boss returned to Inter for a second spell as manager in 2014 but was unable to guide them back into the Champions League, finishing fourth last season.
High-level discussions took place with the club's new Chinese owners in New York last month and, after a third pre-season defeat, they have parted with Mancini just two weeks before the new Serie A season.
Former Netherlands international De Boer left Ajax earlier this summer and had been linked with the Southampton and Everton jobs.
He led the Amsterdam club to four successive Dutch titles but lost out to PSV Eindhoven on the final day of last season.

Novak Djokovic was beaten in the first round of the Olympic men's singles by Juan Martin del Potro.

The Serb, who lost to Del Potro in the bronze-medal play-off at London 2012, was again overpowered by the Argentine, who won 7-6 (7-4) 7-6 (7-2).
The world number one, 29, was in tears as he left the court after the match, which lasted two and a half hours.
"This is one of the toughest losses in my career," said Djokovic, who was trying to win his first Olympic title.

Adam Peaty won gold

Adam Peaty won gold and Jazz Carlin claimed a silver as Great Britain secured their first medals of the 2016 Olympics on day two in Rio.
Peaty, 21, smashed his own world record to win the 100m breaststroke in 57.13 seconds and end GB's 28-year wait for a men's Olympic swimming title.

Adam Peaty (born 28 December 1994) is an English competitive swimmer who specialises in the breaststroke. He holds the world record in the 100 metre breaststroke and has represented Great Britain at the Olympic Games, FINA world championships, and European championships, and England in the Commonwealth Games. He won the gold medal in the 100m breastroke at the 2016 Olympics.
Peaty is the 2015 world champion, the 2014 and 2016 European champion, and 2014 Commonwealth champion in 100 metre breaststroke, the 2015 World champion and 2014 European champion in 50 metre breaststroke, part of the Great Britain team that won the mixed medley relay world title, and the world record holder as of 5 August 2015 in all three events. He is the first swimmer ever to win both sprint breaststroke events at the same World championships, and the most successful British swimmer in a single World Championships.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Virginia Thrasher won the first gold medal of the Rio 2016

American teenager Virginia Thrasher won the first gold medal of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, holding her nerve against two Chinese Olympic champions to clinch the women's 10m air rifle event.
The 19-year-old US college champion, competing in her first Olympics, edged out China's Du Li, who won gold in Athens in 2004, with an Olympic-record score of 208 in the sport's new finals format.

Rio 2016 Olympics: Sopita Tanasan takes first gold for Thailand in weightlifting

Russia’s Olympic ban and China’s ruthless selection policy helped pave the way for Thailand’s Sopita Tanasan win the first weightlifting gold medal of the Rio Games in the women’s 48kg on Saturday.
Tanasan, daughter of an international boxer, became Thailand’s fourth gold medallist in women’s weightlifting with a total of 200kg.
China had the favourite for the contest in Hou Zhihui, who lifted 210kg in her national championships in April, but, being allowed to enter only four lifter overall, sent her home from their pre-Games training camp in Sao Paulo last week when they decided they had a better chance in the heaviest category, +75kg.

Hou injured her knee in July but thought she had recovered enough to compete. Wang Guoxin, head coach of China’s women’s team, opted instead to send for Meng Suping. He said the decision was influenced by Russia’s ban from Rio for “bringing the sport into disrepute” with their doping record.
Once that ban was confirmed last week it meant the hot favourite in the +75kg, Tatiana Kashirina, would not compete.
“Yes, Kashirina’s absence did give us a big opportunity to win in that division, because only Meng and Kashirina have the ability to lift over 300kg in total,” said Wang. Meng arrived in Rio today on Saturday.
Tanasan, 21, won by 8kg from Indonesia’s Sri Wahyuni Agustiani. In third place was Japan’s Hiromi Miyake, the 2012 silver medallist who was competing in her fourth Games.
“When asked if she would try for a fifth time in her home country at Tokyo 2020 she said, “I want to enjoy this medal now and I will think about that when I return home.”
Another of Sopatan’s strongest rivals, Vietnam’s Thi Huyen Vuong, failed to register a total after three failures in the snatch.
Margarita Yelisseyeva, of Kazakhstan, who finished fifth, had plenty of support in the crowd at the Riocentro arena but not behind the scenes within the sport.
The International Weightlifting Federation voted in June to ban Kazakhstan and Belarus from the Games, along with Russia, because of their positive doping cases in retested samples from 2008 and 2012.
The ban was subject to the International Olympic Committee completing the legal processing of those tests before the entry deadline, and that did not happen. Both nations have teams of eight lifters in Rio, while Russia was excluded on evidence from the McLaren Report into state-sponsored doping.

Lin Dan aiming for third Olympic gold in badminton

Now many people believe badminton is a sport for young athletes due to its speed and the fast reactions required to excel in it. Shuttlers typically start to fade after they hit 30, but in today's game, there is an exception, Lin Dan. The Chinese has two Olympic gold medals to go along with multiple Grand Slam titles and instead of retiring when he reached his third decade, Super Dan kept going and is now chasing further glory in Rio.
Off the court Lin Dan is a fashion ICON. On it, he isn't too bad either, wining a world championship aged 30 and after being crowned the Asian game champ 2 years ago, he's ready for his 4th Olympics at 33.
"On my wechat moments people kept posting 'wow he is still playing?' 'for real'?" said Lin Dan, "I feel proud about these comments because in people's eyes I have done enough to earn my retirement. But I want make more history, more records and try to push further at my age.I think I'm likely to win it again."
Fans like to call him "Super-Dan", but for him the meaning of the word "super" has involved from the "super" talent and "super" gifted to now "super" hard on training and put in a "super" amount of effort.
"I train every day now, different excise each day. I hit it hard at noon and get more rest in the morning. I like tanning by body now and after sessions all I do is relax at the pool because that is the most important part. I like to tan and keep my skin darker. I have been used to this tone since 2011 and I cant bare to watch match footage when I still had white skin," said Lin.
The knee injury would be the hardest one to deal with in Lin's career and many doubted he could recover back to where he use to be. In March 2016 in Birmingham, England, Lin regained his all England title, giving him his 6th win at the event.
Another win followed at the German Open before he being crowned China Masters champ for a 6th time in Jiangsu. Lin's response to all those who doubted him was to get to the Rio Olympics ranked world number 3.
"I am way more mature than before, I can accept losing now. I've been through 3 Olympics so far. From being someone nobody had ever heard about, to people thinking of me as a rebel, to the heavy scrutiny on me during my early days in 2004. I sucked it all up and went on to win both the 2008 and 2012 Olympics. I did nothing different from than before so I'm always giving my best efforts.
Lin will not be alone in Rio this time as his old friend rival Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia will be in Rio for his 4th Olympic also for his last time at the global show-piece. Like always Li is hoping he can win the gold he kept losing to Lin in the past. And deep down he knows its the competition between the pair that has kept him on his feet.
"to be honest with you the only thing that has been keeping me driven is -- Lee Chong Wei. I have way more than he does, but he is still the most dangerous and strongest opponent out there. He is close to my age and he is still pushing himself to the limit. He wants this gold more than anyone else and that ambition shows on the court. I respect him and for me to go further in Rio, I need to learn from him," Lin said.

Rio 2016: Mack Horton wins Australia's first swimming medal, winning 400-metres freestyle

Mack Horton has delivered Australia its first gold medal of the Rio Olympics with victory in the men's 400 metres freestyle final.
Horton, ranked number one in the world heading into Rio, swam his race to perfection to out-touch China's defending champion Sun Yang 3:41.55 to 3:41.68.


Pengurusan pasukan Selangor telah membuat satu keputusan drastik dengan memecat ketua jurulatih Zainal Abidin Hassan berkuatkuasa serta merta .

Aku memang dah jangka bila team Selangor x bermain baik kebelakangan ni. Pada pandangan aku ... bukan senang untuk satu jurulatih untuk berjaya dalam waktu yang singkat . Tapi dengan jumlah gaji yang aku jangkakan lumayan diberikan kepada beliau ... risiko sebegini  ini memang harus ditanggung .

Semoga saudara Zainal pasrah dengan asam garam sebagai seorang jurulatih profesional ini.


# asam garam dalam pertandingan....

Saturday 6 August 2016


Rio de Janeiro: Malaysia gagal meneruskan kemaraan dalam acara recurve berpasukan lelaki Sukan Olimpik Rio selepas tewas 2-6 kepada Perancis pada pusingan pertama, hari ini.
Sekalipun menang set pertama 55-53, trio negara Khairul Anuar Mohamad, Muhammad Akmal Nor Hasrin dan Haziq Kamaruddin gagal mengulanginya apabila tumpas tiga set berikutnya.
Perancis diwakili Lucas Daniel, Pierre Plihon dan Jean-Charles Valladont bangkit memenangi tiga set berikutnya 55-53, 55-53 dan 57-53.
Keputusan itu menyaksikan Malaysia gagal mengulangi kejayaan mara ke suku akhir di Beijing 2008.
Di London empat tahun lalu, mereka turut kecundang pada pusingan pertama di tangan Mexico.

RIO OLYMPIC - tangga 28

Hamdan Saaid

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): Penembak negara, Johnathan Wong sekadar menghuni tangga ke-28 pada pusingan kelayakan acara 10 meter air pistol di Pusat Menembak Olimpik, awal pagi tadi.
Johnathan, yang bertanding kali pertama pada temasya Sukan Olimpik, mengumpul 574 mata, kurang 11 mata berbanding rekod kebangsaan miliknya.

Olympic RIO - Emas pertama untuk Vietnam

Wow... Vietnam pon dah dapat pingat pertama emas olympic... Malaysia next .....